About UFM Reform Watch

UFM Reform Watch was established in January 2024 to monitor the reforms and shock therapy of reformers around the world. We believe it is worthwhile to study, analyze, and highlight the methods and contents of free-market reforms to inspire similar efforts in other countries. The first project of UFM Reform Watch consists of monitoring the progress of President Javier Milei's reforms in Argentina.



Olav A. Dirkmaat

Project Director

Currently Director of UFM's Center for Public Choice Analysis (CADEP). PhD in Economics of Rey Juan Carlos University, former student of professor Jesús Huerta de Soto in Spain, one of Milei's main influences.


Daniel Fernández Méndez

Data Director

Currently Director of UFM Market Trends. PhD in Applied Economics  of Rey Juan Carlos University, former student of Professor Jesús Huerta de Soto in Spain, one of Milei's main influences.


Ricardo Rojas

Academic Director

Currently Director of the Bruno Leoni Center at UFM. Author of innumerable books, among which the now infamous and cited by Milei, Inflation as Crime. PhD in Economic History. Former Judge of the criminal and correctional court in Argentina.



Adrián Ravier



Juan Sebastián Landoni

Universidad de las Hespérides


Florencia Roca

Universidad Francisco Marroquín


Jesús María Alvarado Andrade

Universidad Francisco Marroquín

About Universidad Francisco Marroquín (UFM)

UFM is a private, not-for-profit university whose mission is to teach and disseminate the ethical, legal, and economic principles of a society of free and responsible persons.

Honorary doctorate recipients reflect UFM’s international reach, reputation, and commitment to liberty. They include Nobel laureates James Buchanan, Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, Vernon Smith, and Mario Vargas Llosa along with champions of liberty outside the academy, such as Peter Thiel, Steve Forbes, Matt Ridley and Jim Rogers.

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"The UFM is a wonderful and little common example. In few years it has been placed between the leading universities in Latin America, with a very important influence in the region"  --Milton Friedman.